
Forester 2 – State Forest Forester

TN Division of Forestry

Franklin County, TN


Competitive Salary

The Bledsoe and Franklin State Forest Forester is responsible for implementing forest management activities on over 17,000 acres (almost 7,000 hectares) across two state forests in the Cumberland District of the TN Division of Forestry.

Specific Job Duties:


1. Provides input and guidance to the Cumberland Assistant District Forester for State Forests regarding forest management activities on Franklin and Bledsoe State Forests.

2. Functions under the general supervision of the Assistant District Forester for State Forests and provides data and input to the supervisor regarding forest management activities, maintenance, and overall forest operations.


1. Actively develops and maintains working partnerships with other state and federal agencies, non-profit organizations, academic institutions and various conservation groups.

2. Ensures the implementation of the 20/20 harvest plan

( for a healthy state forest. 3. Provides technical assistance and relevant forest management information to landowners, schools, communities, non-profits, municipalities and cities through field day activities performed on the state forest, when appropriate.

4. Administers a compartment plan process to help provide multiple use benefits for the people of Tennessee. The primary uses include: timber production, wildlife habitat, recreation, water quality, natural resource research, forest resource management demonstrations, and aesthetics.