Forest Management

Staff Forester

Gualala Redwood Timber, LLC

Gualala, CA


$72,000 - $105,000 Salary

Gualala Redwood Timber, LLC is seeking a Staff Forester to assist in managing Gualala Redwood Timber’s 30,000-acre property in Sonoma and Mendocino Counties.

Under the direction of the Forest Manager, the Staff Forester prepares Timber Harvest Plans (THPs) and oversees logging contracts.

Duties Include:

  • THP layout including determining silviculture systems, identifying, and flagging watercourse zones, special treatment zones and unit boundaries, timber marking, assessing and documenting road conditions, assess wildlife and fisheries habitat, and other THP field related tasks.
  • Conduct archaeological surveys and complete Confidential Archaeological Addendums to THPs.
  • Write and submit THPs, CDFW Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements and Waste Discharge permits associated with forestry.
  • Prepare contracts and conduct contract compliance and quality control of logging, road building and reforestation work.
  • Conduct biological surveys, northern spotted owl surveys, work flexible hours into evening and/or earlier morning hours.
  • Reforestation planning, unit flagging and tree planting and herbicide contract administration.
  • Cruise timber and prepare cruise reports.
  • ArcGIS mapping and analysis.
  • Property management tasks including road patrols and maintenance, vegetation control, stream restoration projects, dam monitoring, fuel breaks, property security, and fire protection.
  • Record keeping and tracking of production, quality control, and costs. Prepare budgets and cost estimates.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Occasional regional travel, including overnight travel, is required to other properties in coastal Northern California.

The position requires significant field work and working on steep, rugged, and brushy terrain, often in inclement weather. The Staff Forester must be able to safely operate an ATV. A valid driver’s license is required, and the Staff Forester’s driving record must meet the acceptable criteria in our Fleet Safety Program.

This position is open to both RPFs and candidates who are not RPFs.